- The Journal of Emergency Dispatch has a readership of approximately 60,000, and readers are predominantly members of the 911 emergency services dispatch profession. Our readers range from emergency dispatchers, to Q’s, to communication center management, to medical directors.
- The Journal is published in a digital format six times a year. We no longer publish and mail a printed edition.
- Ideal content involves experts in the field that write on topics relevant to emergency dispatchers.
- We welcome columns, continued dispatch education articles. Your Space stories, and longer articles that fit other sections in the Journal, such as Best Practices and Features.
- The specifics (word count, photos, preferred subject matter) are available by contacting us at
- Story/article ideas and suggestions are welcome at any time.
- Submissions are subject to the staff editors’ discretion.
- Submissions will be edited for clarity, length, and relevance.
- If a submitted article is selected for publication, you will receive a draft of your article back with comments/edits.
- We strive to maintain the writer’s voice and focus our edits on the information contained, grammar, and appropriateness. We are always open to further discussion.
- Once drafts are reviewed and approved by you in the time frame indicated by editorial staff, no more contributor changes to the content will be allowed.
Submit via email or by form
All submissions can be emailed to or by using the form below. We will review all submissions and inform each contributor whether or not we have selected his or her submission for publication.
Thank you,
The Journal of Emergency Dispatch staff